ExpertEye European Automotive Report Q3 2016 | Page 5

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European Finances
The slowdown in Government consumption is continuing due to the spending on areas like immigration and asylum seekers and this has also slowed the decline in government debt in some countries . According to the European Commission ’ s Autumn statement , the EU deficit is reducing slightly faster than previously thought and is now expected to drop from 2.4 % of GDP in 2015 to 2.0 % in 2016 , 1.7 % in 2017 and just 1.6 % by 2018 thanks to rising revenues .
Non-performing loans are still running at high levels causing concerns about profitability and further fragementation . The spread on corporate bonds have also narrowed providing additional lower cost funding sources for the non-financial sector .
With low inflation , improving employment prospects and a supportive exchange rate , excluding the UK , household gross disposable income is set to continue to grow . This means private consumption is expected to remain the main growth driver over the coming years .
1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200
Gross Operating Surplus (€ Millions )
Gross Disposable income : Households and NPISH (€ millions )
7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0
Whilst income inequality remains a hot topic it also seems to be a factor in - - the growing unease in globalisation which is seeing a rebellion against traditional politics and a rise in more nationalistic views . Brexit in the UK and the Repubilcan victory in the US saw the first two populist backlashes against
EU ( right axis ) Germany Spain France Italy Portugal UK
Source : European Commission the establishment . With Italy holding a constitutional referendum in December 2016 , general elections in 2017 in France and Germany and the rise of nationalist parties , the euro and the European Union could come under serious pressure .
European Automotive Report - 2016 Quarter 3 4