Exhibition World Supplements Italy Supplement | Page 4

Italy Supplement IMPROVING THE VISITOR ‘INNOVATION EXPERIENCE’ THROUGH ART AND CULTURE PROFESSOR OF MANAGEMENT AND DIRECTOR OF THE TRADE SHOWS OBSERVATORY, BOCCONI UNIVERSITY, MILAN FRANCESCA GOLFETTO Art and culture enhances Italian trade shows collectively 4 Issue 2 2018 In Italy, many exhibition venues are located in areas of considerable cultural and artistic interest. The experience offered to visitors and exhibitors by cities such as Florence, Bologna, Verona and Milan is extremely rich in terms of tourism and relaxation. However, the contribution of art and culture is not limited to the leisure areas outside the exhibition venue. It is part of the organisation of Italian events, which inspire the vision of the visitors and the creativity of the exhibitors. The history of trade shows in Italy goes back a long way. Many Italian towns were at the centre of cultural and commercial exchanges in much of Europe in medieval times (Milan as an example was once known as Mediolanum), informing their business practices to this day. The culture of the town square, where the fi rst regular markets – the forerunners of today’s trade shows – were held is also the culture of the ‘bella fi gura’ (making a good impression). Italy’s current strengths are rooted in the refi ned cultures of those who arrived in these lands in pre-Roman times and through exchanges with other cultures developed expertise in art, architecture, craftsmanship and manufacturing that is still recognised as unique throughout our world. Cultural and artistic skills at the exhibitor stands Stands offer the recurring opportunity for buyers to assess suppliers’ ability to stay at the cutting-edge of innovation and whether they merit trust for the coming year. The comparisons made by buyers – a ritual repeated when new products are introduced – is not based on price or features (which can be easily checked online), but primarily on the supplier- exhibitor partnership and innovation, i.e. on the capacity to offer the buyer specialised skills, technological and stylistic innovations with specifi c applications, knowledge of consumption trends, etc. Consequently, w w w.exhibitionworld.co.uk