Exhibition World Issue 4 — 2019 | Page 7

GED 2019 Exhibition World/UFI GED Award winners announced! Here we list the winners of this year’s Global Exhibitions Day (GED) Awards, decided by a panel of senior staff from UFI, based on entries registered via the GED Online Reporting Tool. In coming issues we will look in more detail at what made these entries winners: 1. TALENT PROMOTION AWARD Winner — Accademia Fiera Milano (Italy) Accademia Fiera Milano produced an online campaign to show how passionate many young talents are about exhibitions and and they want to engage in particular with Millennial and Gen Z audiences by communicating on Instagram with GIFs and stories. Activities included pictures and messages from students with the GED19 sign; video with works of art made by the students entitled ‘What are exhibitions?’, and a growing GED tag cloud. 2. HIGHEST PROFILE ONLINE ACTIVITY AWARD Winner — IELA (Switzerland) IELA launched four initiatives with a special focus on promoting career opportunities in the industry. The first is the w w w.exhibitionworld.co.uk Event Logistics Horizon Project, a campaign for active data collection that demonstrates how data sharing and teamwork works towards one common goal. The second is their Voices of the Exhibition Industry initiative that highlights the job opportunities within the industry. The third is an Instagram Voices of the Exhibition Industry Panel, sharing the experiences of people working in events along with pictures of onsite teams. The fourth is Career Opportunities in the Exhibition Logistics Industry where IELA staff offer their recommendations. 3. BIGGEST SCALE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AWARD Winner — IEIA (India) IEIA initiated a campaign to celebrate GED19 across India with branded T-shirts and caps sent to all member organisations and celebrations were held across 200 member offices with the combined involvement of 4,000 exhibition industry individuals. Joint celebrations were also held in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Jaipur at venue members and public locations involving industry stakeholders along with activities, and a special webinar for exhibition industry professionals at a talent promotion initiative. IEIA representatives also met government officials to advocate the support and development of the exhibitions sector. 4. MOST CREATIVE ACTIVITY AWARD Winner — Belgrade Fair (Serbia) Belgrade Fair printed a limited edition postage stamp to commemorate GED19. It was designed by the Post of Serbia with the GED19 logo incorporated. They also designed a special GED19 postcard. On 5 June, the Fair opened the Design Exhibition by students of Belgrade University’s Faculty of Architecture. The main topic was Affordable city – an integral design of urban regeneration of the Belgrade Fair ambient environment. Dignitaries from both the public and private sectors, academic community, City of Belgrade and Chamber of commerce participated. 5. INDUSTRY IMPACT AWARD Winner — Zagreb Fair Ltd. (Croatia) Zagreb Fair organised an international conference entitled ‘Exhibition Industry - disruptor or disruptee?’ to mark its 110th anniversary. Goals included revealing the impact of tradefairs and events in the new business reality of interconnected economies and exploiting the industry’s potential as an export, investment and communication platform in the real and virtual arena, and for sharing new knowledge and insights for transformation in the era of digitalisation During the conference, the Mayor of Zagreb backed the Fair’s plans to build a new multi-purpose exhibition and congress facility on the property. The Fair is also seeking government support for this investment. Kai Hattendorf, UFI MD and CEO said: “I would like to congratulate the winners for their thoughtful initiatives that showcase and promote the exhibition industry. The winning entries are diverse and highlight the enthusiasm that exhibition professionals bring to the industry. The quality of entries in general was high and we were delighted to witness the involvement of all age groups and statuses, from young professionals starting out in the industry right up to decision-makers. A huge thank you to all those companies and associations who dedicated time and effort to their GED19 campaigns and contributed to its success.” Issue 4 2019 7