EXCERPT FROM BETRAYED - A romantic suspense novel | Page 44

MORGAN ST. JAMES The color had drained out of Tommy Boy’s face. Sal grabbed him by the collar. “Look at me, you piece of shit.” Not waiting for an answer, he bellowed, “Sherry—” Sherry backed away, scared by the wild look in his eyes, but he advanced toward her. She screeched like a woman giving birth. “Shut up, you whore! Do you want everyone to hear you? Her mother knows she was with you before she disappeared, right?” Sherry couldn’t stop her head from bouncing like a bobbleheaded doll. “You and Tommy Boy have to get out of Chicago. Now!” Sal forced her face between his hands, holding it still, while he glared at her. “You were leaving anyway, right? So it’s no problem. We’ll speed things up a little, that’s all. They’ll think you and the kid both got whacked and dumped somewhere.” His lips pressed together in a menacing slash. His narrowed eyes drove home what a dangerous guy Sal really was. Tommy Boy cleared his throat, trying to keep his voice from cracking. “Yeah, you’re right. We planned to leave Chicago, but on our schedule, Sal. Our schedule!” Sal slapped his forehead with his palm, as though he hadn’t heard a word Tommy Boy said. “Can’t have Creed tied to any of this, so we gotta do it just right. That bastard will pay! Boy, will he pay. Damned, perverted creep. Good thing he’s got plenty of juice with the cops in case things get out of hand.” Sherry fixated on the bloodied, broken body of the girl who had called her a friend. A queasy feeling washed over her. An acetic taste rose in her throat. Her stomach clenched as she drew a shuddering breath. When she finally did speak, her voice was low, struggling for control. “Money, Sal. It takes money to get out of town. I’m not dumb. I know you’ll squeeze Creed and get plenty. This isn’t our fault. It’s yours for letting that monster come back. What do we get out of this?” Sal clamped her shoulders and dug his fingers in hard 38