EXCERPT FROM BETRAYED - A romantic suspense novel | Page 17

BETRAYED Tommy’s face leered at me from the reflection in the mirror. He scratched his head and said, “Yeah, you’re probably right. What the hell? Well, we’ve waited this long, we can wait a little longer. After tonight, sunshine here we come.” She yawned and stretched. “I’m so sick of this damn freezing weather, it can’t be too soon for me.” When she nudged me, I pulled away from her touch. She poked me in the arm. “Hey, Laurie, did you fall asleep or what?” I pretended not to hear. Tommy coughed and sniffled. “You better make an appearance downstairs, Babe. The others are probably here already. It might look strange if you don’t join them.” “Yeah. I guess.” I remained as still as I could, hoping they would think I’d passed out. Tommy said, “I think it’s okay to leave the kid untied. Look at her. Dead to the world. She ain’t going nowhere.” Sherry left the room first, Tommy followed. I heard the click of the door locking behind them. A silent prayer repeated over and over. Please God. Make them to go away and never come back. 11