EXCERPT FROM BETRAYED - A romantic suspense novel | Page 15

BETRAYED “Not to worry, Mrs. Murphy. Come, come little dancer.” I ran toward some girls wearing leotards and ballet shoes. Music filled the room. The piano player drew his long fingers across the keys of the piano and I began to twirl. My head felt so heavy I could barely lift it. I had to fight to keep my eyelids from closing. Tommy swung Sherry around, chanting, “Money, Baby. Real get-out-of-town money!” She gave him a kiss him on the cheek. Tommy kissed her back, then said, “Hell, Baby, once we’re out of here, who gives a damn what happens to her? Maybe we sold her too cheap.” I could see a wavy reflection of his face in the mirror, wicked grin and all. A chill raced up my spine. Things continued to get clearer, sounds sharper. Sherry broke away from Tommy and fanned her face with her hand, giggling softly. The cruel edge to her laugh sent new terror racing through me. She reached out and grabbed my chin, forcing my face up. “Okay, Tommy Boy, what do you think? Is this okay or does she look a little too much like a pro?” He squinted and shook his head. “For anyone else, yeah, maybe, but the Judge likes them to look like little tramps. I’d say she’s just right for him. If she doesn’t stop crying, though, her face will get all streaky. Make her stop!” Something flashed in Sherry’s eyes. Anger? Fear? She drew one loud breath, then another. “Yeah, the Judge.” With a shake of her head, she added, “Kinky bastard, that one. Violent, too. Oh, what the hell. Money is money.” Something sharp stabbed my upper arm. The filmy chiffon wrapped around me again. Pink socks, black and white saddle shoes. The pink angora sweater and pleated skirt Daddy gave me for my birthday. Pretty. Doorbell. I took the stairs two at a time. Sherry called out, “Hi, Pavlova. Ready to go?” and pushed past me, calling back, “Hey, I need to use the phone. Go wait in the car. Just one call and then we’re off to grab some burgers, 9