Ewya Magazine Ewya Magazine Issue 2 -July 2016 | Page 34

I love food and will eat even when I am full if there is delicious food around. If I have to speak at an event or conference, I cannot eat. My throat closes, my hand’s sweat, my head feels light. I can’t focus on conversation around me and usually paste a smile on my face and nod. No idea what is being said. When I get up and stand behind the podium, there has to be a podium, I try to smile, but my lips are stuck to my teeth. My mouth is so dry I can barely open it. I hide my lower body behind the podium, and my feet start tap dancing, my upper half remains still. I start my speech, slowly and just keep talking. About halfway through I start to loosen up, my tap dance slows to contemporary ballet, and my lips move more easily. As I finish, relief relaxes my shoulders and then the shakes start. The first few minutes after I’ve finished, I shake and can’t even think about taking a glass of water, unless I want to create a mini tsunami. It may take about ten minutes before I calm down fully, then I can enjoy the rest of the event. A lot of people can relate to it, but those that do feel the same don’t believe me when I say that I am scared to do it because there is no way they can see themselves up on that podium, so clearly I am not scared. If I was, I would not be up there talking. No, I conquer that fear. Every time. It does not go away just because I’ve done it once. It doesn’t even go away after ten times. I do however get more confident every time, the shakes may not last as long, and now when I get up on the podium, I can actually take a sip of water to help my lips move. The fear is still there, but I can control it better. Sometimes you can control your fear by figuring out why you have the fear. In my case, I don’t want to be rejected, ridiculed, laughed at or told I am talking rubbish. I’m still scared of that, but so far none of that has happened when I’ve spoken. It’s not likely to happen either, few people would laugh at you openly. So if they laugh at me behind my back, that is ok. I can’t see it. Just do it. Take one small step today to conquer your fear. You actually already have, you’ve read an article about how I do it anyway, even though I am scared. Have I conquered my fear? I guess not, it’s still there. Conquering would mean it would go away, but maybe in time, it will. All I know is that I am learning to control my fear, one step at a time. I’m reading the last paragraph, and on my desk next to me is an entry form for a dancing competition. Public performance. I just lost my appetite. Conquering my fear…still working on it, but I printed the form out, so it is one small step towards just doing it. 34 - Ewya July 2016 The Lotus Flower By Carol De Vasconcelos The Lotus drops its seeds into the darkest mud. Yet with the first stirrings of re-newed life, it seeks the light. With intense determination, it transcends the muck and the muddy water to burst forth a beautiful flower born of Spirit. Its soul purpose it to share its beauty with the world. Try this exercise this week: Just take 5 minutes a day to relax and focus on the brilliant sun shining within you. Relax into the warmth of your heart and being. Make the commitment to stop paying attention to the garbage of the mind and refocus instead onto your true infinite nature. It is a much better use of your time. You will be amazed at what you discover! So right now gently focus your awareness onto your heart. The Sun may be too powerful to visualize in there at first, so let’s start with imagining that your heart is a small burning flame of light. It only takes a candle to light up a dark room. So let the light from the candle in your heart radiate throughout your body and reach every place of darkness inside. Illuminate every crack and crevice in your body; surround yourself with an aura of light all day long! Don’t let this light burn out for at least 4 days! It will grow the longer you can do this exercise… As you focus on the flame in your heart and relax into its light and perfection, breathe! If your thoughts stray to the old ego channel, gentle acknowledge this and refocus back on your light in your heart. This little flame will remind you that YOU are Divine and a brilliant being of light at the very core. Discover this and turn off you worry channel, doubt channel, and fear channel! Feel this little light inside you! You can feel absolutely light and free just with the smallest of flame inside. I invite you to also choose to focus on how incredible it is to be alive at this time on the planet. It is a time when many, many people are realizing their divine nature. Namaste Carol [email protected] or 084-500-1478 Ewya July 2016 - 35