Evolution | Page 9

PAGE 9 Features Holiday 2015 “Rumor” has it: This show is a hit! Cast of “Rumors” Photo courtesy of: Cheryl Walsh/alt-senior.com Jack Murphy Staff Writer Gunshots, white walls, whiplash, and a failed suicide attempt greeted theatre-goers in the Acting Conservatory’s first production of the year: “Rumors” by Neil Simon. The modern classic follows four wealthy couples at a 10th wedding anniversary party for Deputy Mayor of New York, Char- lie Brock, and his wife, Myra, plotting to cover up Brock’s attempted suicide in order to protect his career. Simon’s farcical comedy mocks the wealthy class’ obsession with protecting their careers and self-entitlement through characters like Lenny Ganz, portrayed by junior Harvey Sutton (ACT), who is outraged by the fact someone crashed into the side of his brand new BMW and has whiplash as a result. Noticeable about the casting by director Jay Wallace is the diversity, not common in OCSA productions. For once, not all the successful and main characters are portrayed by white engenues or white leading men. “It basically demon- strates that anyone has the capacity to be successful,” said Sutton. Physical comedy and the unique characters are what made it a standout. Junior Nina Cereno (ACT) stole the show as the outlandish cookin rV