volunteers’ advised the housewives to streets. In addition, in a display of sort trash at home and get benefit technical innovations, the sustainable from each object in their house. campus committee demonstrated the Volunteers taught different ways of “ Vertical Garden” to reuse the water sustainability like using coffee grind lost during planting by using PVC as pipes. natural fertilizers on plants. Moreover, the booth provided a display of gravity for people who All in all, the over use want to enhance the quality of crops. consumption of natural resources at All of these are ways in order to live present cannot continue otherwise the in a sustainable world. AUCians future generations will have serious made sure that children enjoyed this problems. The problem is not only in day by playing educational games AUC, but also Egypt cannot protect with them. All the games included its resources and people are misusing ways to challenge children to protect the environment in a way that will their environment and do no throw threaten the existence of resources. any trashes in their schools and By: Basma Abo Bakr