Sustainability or sustainable development, as mentioned before, has many types. One of its most acknowledged in the Egyptian society. A women's initiative was important, as well as, most known launched by student at A.U.C. It is type is social sustainability which called "Heya" and its main objective includes human’s Rights. is supporting Egyptian women and First, women always their rights. "The initiative, divided many into two phases, will focus first on societies, especially the Egyptian empowering women in the AUC society. Women should stand for community through awareness. The their rights and make their voices goal of the second phase is to give heard to avoid living in a male women the tools to help themselves dominated society. Furthermore, succeed and then reach out to other they need to play parts in important women in the community". (Heya occupations like legislature, judiciary Student and Egyptian Women). discriminated are against executive in positions. For Initiative Empowers Heya's team example, in Egypt a women cannot lectures women and gives them run for President, this is totally unfair classes in how to be productive and for women. give them confidence in the Egyptian There are several organizations in the American university in Cairo that support women and try provide them with to a sustainable future, sustainable life and ensure that they are society. It also makes women acknowledge their rights, know who