Every Avenue Weddings Magazine Issue 15 Every Avenue Weddings Magazine 1 | Page 25

One summer’s day, friends Wen- dy and Mark, suggested going for a drink in the local to see the new owners. Taking them up on their offer, Tiny pulled up at the pub and parked his tractor in the already rather small pub car park, left his mucky wellies in the porch and set- tled down at the bar. Jane caught Tiny’s eye straight away, but, being at times rather shy, needed a slight push in the right di- rection. After a few more visits, his friend Wendy took charge and tact- fully wrote down Tiny’s number and pinned it on the notice board. This was quickly found by Bex who sent a sneaky text from Jane’s phone invit- ing Tiny to her birthday drinks. And so, it began! Tiny turned up on Jane’s birthday, fashionably late after a long day si- lageing and from that evening on they were spending time together most days. This was either across the bar from each other or with Jane keeping Tiny company in his tractor whilst he was out on long days con- tracting or hay making. It wasn’t long before Tiny had moved in with Jane at the pub and everyone saw how they were made for each other. Later on, the following year, little Annie made an arrival in the October. Our Story I found myself helping more and more with Tiny farming and really enjoyed the winter going into the up a successful contracting business alongside an increasing number of his own sheep and cows.