EVDG VOL.1 | Page 60

to be myself, no matter what the circumstances are around me. After I started healing from all of the bad stuff in my life, I began to realize the interests that I really do have in life, which include being an Entrepreneur, starting a Domestic Violence Ministry, Acting/Modeling/Speaking and Writing. Q4: Are you a parent and was it hard to be in the position you are in and still be a parent? It has been extremely hard to be a parent and not be able to see my children as I would like. I now have many more good days than bad, but I have found the only way to really fight and stand against a lie is to stand in the truth with love. This takes time. I have found strength in becoming the women I was intended to be and realizing that one day my children will hopefully be able to see this strength in me and learn from the new me. The new me that is no longer a victim to life. Q5: Is there a goal that you have reached that once you've reached it you set your self new goals? Yes. I have reached the goal of becoming a Care Manager. I set that goal about 4 years ago in Houston, Texas. After I knew what I wanted to be to make a living, I started searching for anything that would lead me there. I still have many goals to accomplish, such as to act and do domestic violence plays and skits that will show women what it is like to be a bad relationship and where to go for help. I never knew I was a victim of domestic violence until it almost killed me. I now want to show people what it is, not just tell them. I want them to hopefully SEE themselves as I never could. I also want to act in movies, model and write and to hopefully develop a platform to speak; traveling and showing women what they can become if they believe in who they are made to be. Q6: What was/is the motivation in your life? My children and Jesus Christ Q7: Looking back is there anything about your life that if you could, you would change, would you do it all again? I have asked myself that same question a million times and have come to the same conclusion. I like who I am today. I like who I have become. I appreciate my faults, weakness and strengths. My life has made me who I am today and I am happy with that person. I long to see my children, but am also witnessing how some of those loose ends are coming back together as my life moves forward in the strength I now have. My past is behind me. I now learn from my mistakes instead of living in them. I now enjoy the present and have hope in the future for what is to come. Q8: what are you most thankful for? I am most thankful for my children, my ability to give back to others,my renewed passion for life and most of all for my relationship with God. He gave me strength and a renewed sense of myself and love when I felt like I had nothing left to live for. Q9: Are there any changes you would like to see in our communities? Yes. I would like to see more places that would help others fight domestic violence and bring healing. I would also like to see more places stand up and advocate for people instead of just leaving them feeling like they are just a number or just someone with another health issue. People are dying daily due to our overworked and chaotic society. I would like to help fill the gap of healthcare and set up domestic violence resources that can help people fight the fight from where they are, not where we would like them to be. Q10: what are some things you would like to see the everyday girl mag to express or showcase in up coming features? I would love to see more stories and/or awareness of domestic violence in our society and how girls/women have been able to overcome and rebuild their lives. I would also like to read about how they are using everything life has thrown at them to create opportunities not only for themselves but for other women coming behind them.