EVDG VOL.1 | Page 48

higher acheivement in some cases depending on how you see the process. Examples of losing this weight are: take one bad thing away such as soda..if you are absolutely addicted..you dont have to quit completely just cut back to one to two per day...to keep it off try doing some cardio-whether it be walking riding a staionary bike or doing an exercise program on tv..or a dvd of your favorite-I recommend Gilads series the quick fit system...or any other program you choose to be comfortable with. This program helped me lose 85 pds in about 10 months or so... Other examples of habits to change would be eating late at night, try not eating after 7pm, try replacing calories-higher calorie foods with lower ones. Today most places have the calories on the menu so you can see how much you are consuming...if you multiply your weight by 10...and do not go over that amt each day you should lose weight...you may go down further just not to far..not at first..also many phones today have a device that adds your calories for the day which also helps keep track of your goals. Bottom line if you change a bad habit and add some exercise...those of you who dont do anything..it will absolutely shock your metabolism and you will see results! As long as I exercise I do not gain weight..lets get to your goal get you started and motivated then we will teach you how to keep it off for good!!!! I also have a 3 day diet plan that you can lose 5-10 pounds in 3 days....however Im going to save that for another issue..Id like for you guys to get started and love it!! Thank you for reading and I hope you feel motivated in some way!! You can do it-as Gilad says!!!