European Policy Analysis Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016 | Page 133

Circular Migration of Live-ins in Germany
circular migration and the management of it , the term management itself should be opened up . The way it has been used in EU documents , it mainly refers to the state as being the managing actor . This case has shown , however , that there are other factors playing a role when managing circular migration such as favorable legal regulations ( the freedom to provide services within the EU ) and none-state actors such as recruitment agencies . To fully understand circularity among migrants , these factors should be included into an analysis and an oversimplified dichotomy between state led circularity and free circularity should be avoided . The portrayal of spontaneous circular migration on the one hand and state managed migration on the other hand creates the illusion that circular migration either happens freely or managed by the state .
To sum up , the analysis has shown that circular migration does take place and can hinder social mobility just not necessarily in the shape one would expect when following policy debates . Piore ’ s ( 1979 ) theory , although he did not include circular migration as part of his study , can give interesting insights into the phenomenon , as the circularity prevents eventual aspirations to improve the situation on the side of the migrants . The results of this study stress a discussion around two topics . Firstly , if for providing care for the elderly , Germany relies on foreign recruitment , it is an absolute necessity to ensure working rights of those employed in the sector . The tasks of the profession of live-ins have to be officially registered and this information has to be provided to the employee .
Secondly , a long overdue discussion on the value of elderly care in our society should be conducted . Livein employment with its grey area and breached workers rights is a symptom for wider processes in society , such as the undervaluation of traditionally female jobs , the “ ethnitization ” of whole sectors in the economy and the future of the local elderly care sector . With the impacts of demographic change increasing not only in Germany , but also in Eastern European sending countries , addressing these questions is of vital importance for a fair and sustainable development of our societies .
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