European Policy Analysis Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016 | Page 125

Circular Migration of Live-ins in Germany
anybody to go there . When the ladies want to , then that is fine of course , we will plan it like that , then it will be easier also for all involved parties . But if they do not want to , the client can beg as he pleases , then we will not send her of course . ( Head of a German agency for live-ins )
The families also explained that they approached the live-ins they liked personally and asked them if they would want to come back . In one case , after one live-in had come back another time , she did not want to come back again because she preferred to be employed in Berlin . In another case , the family itself recommended the live-in not to come back because the work had become heavier due to the increasing illness of the mother of the family . As the live-in had back problems herself , the family recommended her not to come back as the work would have been too hard for her .
When we asked one of the heads of the agencies placing live-ins with families in Germany about the rotation system and who organizes it , she replied that this is mainly organized by the agencies abroad .
No , that is organized by the agencies in the foreign countries , because they have nationwide , often also in Austria and Switzerland , placed their ladies and I cannot do that from here with my pool [ pool = available live-ins ], but we are in the pool of that agency . I am just placing them here . ( Head
of a German agency for live-ins )
The cases described here were arrangements where the live-ins were legally employed by the agency abroad and could work in Germany in the frame of the freedom to provide services in the EU . Another possible way to hire live-ins would be if families directly employed the EU citizens , which would then be in the frame of the freedom of movement for workers . One such institution , a church-based organization , which offers support and matching for families who want to employ live-ins themselves has also been interviewed . The informant explained that the costs are double the price in comparison to hiring live-ins in the frame of the law on posted workers .
When one of the families who employed a live-in via an agency was asked about the possibility to directly employ the live-in she explained that she offered this possibility to one care worker staying with her . The employee declined , however , with the explanation that she needed the agency in case something would happen with the mother of the family . In this case she would need a new employment quickly and this could only be provided by the agency in her country of origin . The head of one of the agencies also explained that the contracts prevent the live-ins from switching to direct employment because they would get a contract penalty . She admitted , however , that she could not control if employees terminate their contracts with the agencies in their home countries and then move to Germany to directly work for one of the families .
Direct employment of a 24-hour live-in worker in Germany is of course not possible anymore , that should not be forgotten . That is not the same service anymore and when it is the same that is not legal anymore . That is often underestimated . Then the customs comes ringing at your door sooner than you know . An employment in Germany is only possible with 8 hours , 10 hours a day , and you have to keep a certain resting time per day and so on . And that is not the service you get