eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 | Page 40

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2014 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The teachers had an opportunity to teach the same things, but in a different way with ICT tools, by cooperation with European colleagues in an online multicultural environment, for a European group of pupils. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ICT tools were used in creative ways. For Math Challenge, they had the opportunity to chat with MathBot answering Maths-related questions. Also they used many YouTube video tutorials to learn how to make geometric model of a star (the polygon or the starry polyhedron). For the Science Challenge, kids created a collaborative Mixbook photo book for all pupils taking part in the task of observing animals in their natural or artificial environments through the live web cams. Using, each team created a common mural about sports. Taking care to respect the copyright laws, each kid in a team wrote texts, made photos or videos about her/his favorite sport. These are the finalists in the designs of the project constellation: “All About Us” by Carmen Yolanda Egea Bernet eTwinning offered an easy way to start our Comenius project. The teachers became familiar with the dynamics of European tasks within our practical and flexible program. In addition, the eTwinning experience allowed us to learn more and work with partners and topics in our Comenius work. By helping students identify the exact nature of their talents, this project created opportunities for them to express and use their talents. Other benefits for students: they exhibited excellent ontask behavior, they worked collaboratively in European virtual teams, they created a wide range of final products, such as video, debate, drawings, origami, virtual books and so on. The communication tools offered by eTwinning have played an important role in all of the development stages of our Comenius association. Throughout the project, it was the perfect way to carry out different activities. Lastly, once our association has been completed, eTwinning could carry on as a way to extend the project and as a means of 40