eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 4 | Page 35

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2014 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------are no longer alone, isolated and passed to integrate a community. eTwinning allows finding what working in a truly collaborative way means, and we love to do that. We found many friends to share experiences, ways of acting, innovations, and discoveries. With them we gain security in ourselves and in our work, meet new cultures, different habits, learn a lot and especially, we gain many friends. The next two pictures will present you with our favourite tools for communication, the videoconference, with Poland and Romania: Being naturally curious, loving to work, children like to know their European partners, their way of life, their countries, their habits, and their culture. Children love to do different things and can communicate without barriers, without taboos and very easily. And how do we communicate with our European partners? We exchanged presentations and movies about our daily life, our culture and our traditions. We exchanged small gifts, books, sweets, treats and many conversations. We use Web 2.0 tools to work collaboratively, communicate by email, in the TwinSpace, in Skype, for videoconferencing. They listen to each other with attention and appreciation, and even without knowing the language of our European partners, they sing with enthusiasm and make gestures simultaneously. We learn a lot in this exchange because it is lived and experienced in real time and in the first person. eTwinning gives us wings, opens the doors of the classroom and lets the world enter. It completely revolutionizes the way to teach and learn. From now on teaching and learning would be unthinkable without eTwinning! Here we write a collaborative story with our partners who are now near us physically, but it is as if they are: Next comes a student sending an email to one of the partners! 35