Essays David Bowie's Berlin | Page 28

was now a part of the Federal Republic of West Germany . This was a period in which a lot of political and social tension became present in the city and Berliners found themselves faced with the threat of violence and financial hardship . It ’ s almost as if Bowie tuned into this and expressed the frustrations present within society musically , which is why it is often said that " Heroes " became Berlin ' s rock anthem . Its subtle drones create a heroic wall of sound , that reflects the sense of deep-rooted emotion and optimism that emerged even in the face of oppression , which is embedded to the very core of the song .
Moreover , the links between consumerism , postmodernity and crisis that Bowie addresses in
Heroes are theorised in David Harvey ’ s essay on the transformation in urban governance in late capitalism . Harvey goes on to discuss the ways in which , the logic that influences capital accumulation goes on to shape the space in which it inhabits . This has also shaped much of the culture created under such developments in capitalist culture . Bowie ’ s work and by extension sense of self , being a prime example of this . Bowie ’ s life was defined by excess during this time , which in essence underpins the logic of consumerism . Capitalism teaches us how to desire , but isn ’ t that what Bowie was trying to do too ?