espaZio magazine Handbook 2015 | Page 9

manentes permite ajustar los recursos a la durabilidad de la actividad que cobija, evitando que ésta demande una cantidad mucho mayor de recursos. Tras esta primera consideración, vamos a realizar un recorrido por las dos cuestiones clave en la mejora de la sostenibilidad de los edificios: el uso de energía necesario para habitarlos y los impactos causados por la fabricación de los materiales que los componen. has happened, basically, due to the need for shelter from the rain, sun and/or wind, and which has been achieved using considerably less resources than if carried out with any other type of construction system. This good fit between resources and use is the main argument for the sustainability of tensile structures against other building systems; it is its main asset. Its use in temporary facilities also allows us to match the resources to the duration of the activities involved, thus avoiding the unnecessary waste of resources. Following this first point let’s revise two key questions with regards to improving sustainability in buildings: the use of the energy needed