ERCL Annual Report | Page 26

3.5 Our plans 2016 / 2017  A performance monitoring and review framework will operate that meets both the Board and the Council’s requirements  Our Board will be trained and have gained a good understanding of the Trust’s operating environment and will be supporting organisational development  A framework for collaboration and ongoing dialogue with Council colleagues at both strategic and operational levels will generate a shared approach  Working with Council colleagues we will have reviewed and tested SLA performance and we will be clear how we intend to manage support services  Our objectives will be fully communicated with our employees, stakeholders and customers  Surveys will establish a baseline for monitoring customer and employee satisfaction  We will have gained a better understanding of our customer segmentation and of our non-users  We will have identified and prioritised external funding opportunities  A dedicated website for the Trust will be operational  Our Marketing Plan will be implemented  A Commercialisation Strategy will be developed  Our senior management team will be regularly meeting employees in their workplace  Our employees will be contributing to a People Strategy that will be in place throughout the organisation  Our Board will be active in reviewing and managing our Risk Register  A review of external funding priorities will have produced a Funding Strategy and applications will have commenced  The Business Plan will be reviewed at end of year  Continue to support national initiatives  Implementation of business process reforms to move customers to digital sales channels (“Join at Home” and “Learn2 “ / web-based, mobile and/or automated portals)  A review of our pricing and programming  Detailed reporting on Support Services will be in place with a review of Support Services for September 2016  New service strategies for Agreement by September 2016  Undertake Healthy Working Lives Assessment  Child and adult protection and safety policies will have been reviewed