ERCL Annual Report | Page 25

• expertise , investment and information to effectively join up the different parts of culture and leisure systems Focus time , expertise and governance , embedding a positive culture and developing clear and measurable goals by making better use of evidence and information to support planning and improve services and accessibility . Work with ERC on any proposals for asset transfer or the community running of services or programmes Continue to develop the Sports Hub model with new Community Sports Hubs Look at a model for community arts and culture Hubs that reflects the Sports Hub model : providing opportunities through ERCL programme delivery working with clubs to create subsequent quality pathways for progression ( i . e . accredited clubs and societies ) work with those groups to provide paid for facilities and services to generate income to ERCL Look at ways to learn and share knowledge within the region or within the sector to create areas of best practice and innovation Identify new opportunities within ERCL through volunteering , internships or placements Support community capacity building through education , training and professional staff engagement and intervention Identify new opportunities to facilitate CPD for external organisations , including external training through Trust staff and team expertise i . e . training packages on community capacity building , community engagement , wellbeing indicators
Strategic aim E - resilient , dynamic and productive partnerships that are developed and nurtured
We will work to develop effective and meaningful partnerships that will support our work ; help achieve best value in the provision of our services and programmes ; and maximise returns on our investments both financially and in terms of impact . We will look for partnerships – including commercial ones – which demonstrate our ability and desire to work with ( commercial ) partners to support them and broaden our profile .
We will : -
• Develop a Partnership Strategy that outlines the priorities for assessing any partnership , be they help in achieving market share , brand awareness , participation or affinity
• Develop a sponsorship policy that is clear about recognition and association , and creates a framework and guidelines for assessing the ethical and value-fit of any potential partnership