ERCL Annual Report | Page 24

Strategic aim C - a strong, diverse, resilient and committed workforce We will have an open and honest approach to providing opportunities for people and ideas to grow within the organisation. We will share one vision, our brand and our values across all areas of operations. We will utilise talent and create a team which is flexible, responsive and welcoming to a mix of voices and cultures. We will create a culture of continuous improvement; quality services and team working. We will create increased expectations of performance and empower staff to meet these. We will: Develop the internal communications plans, including staff newsletter; intranet; staffmanagers meetings and internal blogs  Develop a People Strategy that includes training and development at corporate and service levels  A staff benefit scheme, the implementation of Healthy Working Lives for ERCL, a revised and relaunched appraisal and CPD process and staff volunteering scheme  Maintain the staff forum with regular meetings and revised terms of reference  Implement a staff suggestions scheme  Implement a staff recognition scheme and event to celebrate success Strategic aim D - vibrant communities ERCL seeks an East Renfrewshire where sport, art and cultural community participation is a way of life for everyone; where it is at the heart of our communities and makes a positive impact on everyone’s lives. We will take a considered approach to the range and scope of our services, working with communities to identify need, and the best ways of meeting it. We will consider our facilities and programmes in the widest terms so as to consider not just direct outcomes (e.g. participation and consequent benefits), but indirect ones such as Social Isolation. We will support the development of the physical, economic, cultural and human assets of the communities we serve. We will: Look at the balance and distribution of our services, facilities and programmes geographically, demographically and by sector  Explore the use and non-use of our facilities and how we can best programme or utilise them  Align resources from all our partners both locally and nationally bringing together the