ERCL Annual Report | Page 16

3.1 Financial review The Trust is pleased to report that we have operated at a surplus in our first period of trading allowing us to start building reserves in line with our reserves policy. In summary, the financial position during 2015/16 is noted below: Total Income Net movement in Funds Actuarial Gains Unrestricted/ Restricted Fund Restricted Funds Total Fund 6,318,921 281,055 6,599,974 (2,097,071) 1,547 (2,095,525) 2,118,000 Net movement in Funds (after retirement benefit scheme loss) 20,929 2,118,000 1,547 22,475 Funds held @ 31 March 2016: 31 March 2016 Total Funds 22,475 The unrestricted surplus at the end of the year was £324,474 but the multi-employer defined benefit pension scheme is in deficit by £302,000 and therefore the net surplus is £22,475 Our first period of trading has helped us to meet our charitable aims and objectives. Our yearend financial position provides a sound platform from which we can continue to meet our commitments. The principle funding sources are a combination of income generated through a level of sales, fees and charges for our charitable activities £3,000,451, as well as income from East Renfrewshire Council (Management Fee) £3,420,953 for our work in