ERCL Annual Report | Page 11

Company number SC486489 (registered in Scotland) Scottish Charity number SC045726   East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure is a company limited by guarantee and with charitable status and governed by its Articles of Association. In addition to being regulated by the Companies Act (2006), the company is also subject to the charities regulator in Scotland, OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator). The company was incorporated on 14 September 2014 and started trading on 2 July 2015 and is responsible for the strategic and operational management of the East Renfrewshire Council’s Arts and Culture, Sport and Leisure facilities, Community Facilities, Sports Development and Libraries. Trustees (Directors) There are eight members of the company who act as trustees (nine allowed by the Articles of Association) comprising of: • a maximum of four Council Trustees • a maximum of four Independent Trustees • a maximum of one Employee Representative Trustee They have the ultimate control of the company subject to providing the services in accordance with the Legal Agreement reached with East Renfrewshire Council and provide strategic direction to the Chief Executive and his management team. The list of current and former Trustees serving in the financial period 2015/16 is detailed below: Name Mhairi Shaw Trustee (Director) Role Appointed Resigned Council 11/09/2014 02/03/2015 Council 11/09/2014 02/03/2015 Independent (Chair) 02/03/2015 Council (Deputy Chair) 02/03/2015 Brian Davidson Independent 02/03/2015 Prof. Grant Jarvie Independent 02/03/2015 Provost Alistair Carmichael Council 02/03/2015 Cllr. Charles Gilbert Council 02/03/2015 Cllr. Kenneth Hay Council 02/03/2015 Employee Representative 02/03/2015 Independent 02/03/2015 Barbara Clark Jim Wilson Cllr. Mary Montague Steven Larkin Dr Ronald Culley 08/06/2015