eRacing Magazine Vol 2. Issue 1 | Page 55

Virgin Racing star Sam Bird will be gracing the pages of the famous Cosmopolitan magazine in February… and he’s doing it in the nude!

Well, he won’t be naked, he will be wearing his helmet on one of his heads, and all in an effort to raise awareness about testicular cancer. This effort was in conjunction with Cancer Research UK.

“People think racing drivers are just chilling out in their cars during races, but we’re not! We withstand G-force and temperatures so extreme you lose up to three litres of fluid in sweat, plus your heart rate is over 160 beats per minute for two hours, so I have to train extremely hard. I enjoy pushing myself; looking OK in swimming trunks on the beach doesn’t hurt, but that’s not my goal.

Taking care of your body and going to a doctor if you think there’s a problem could mean the difference between life and death.”

Sam... We can see your Birdie!

Image: Nicky Johnston / Cosmopolitan UK

stories Ernie Black