Equinox 2019 | Page 28

He rubbed his eyes and opened the door to see the whole team standing behind Seamus, who had a large box in his hand. “What is this?”

“Just open it. We all pitched in. We know that this has been really hard to deal with,” Adam said nervously. It made Toby laugh, seeing the powerful man so unsure.

“Okay okay, fine.” He said and looked at the box that Seamus had put on the table while they were talking. He sat down on their couch, feeling himself sink into the squishy material.

Hesitantly, Tobias pulled on the two flaps on the top of the cardboard box. Immediately, he was greeted by a piercing blue eye looking up at him.

“W-what?” Tobias whispered and looked at his teammates. He reached into the box and lifted the fluffy husky out of the container. “Are you serious?” He said so softly that it was almost inaudible.

“Do you like her?” Simon asked from behind Daniel.

“Of course. She’s beautiful. What happened to her eye?” Tobias asked and looked at the small dog’s face. Her right eye was missing, causing the space to come together in two slits, black fur covering it up. He placed her on the couch and scratched her ears.

“When they got her at the shelter, they had to remove her eye because of the terrible living conditions they found her in. She was just a newborn then, but she’s changed so much in three short months,” Daniel said.

“Her name is Tabi. It means journey,” Seamus spoke up for the first time and looked at Tobias. “I thought that having a dog around when we’re not would be good for you. We can try to find the papers to let her officially become a therapy dog but-”

“Thank you,” Tobias hugged him. “Thank you all. Really guys, this is amazing.”

The team got together and joined in a big hug, making Tobias feel warm and finally, for once, not alone. Even though his eye was still healing, he felt whole.