Equinox 2019 | Page 23

“Healy!” Toby called out as he lay in bed, looking up at the blank ceiling. Hanging out with everyone that night had made him feel better, but now that he was alone, his angst crept back to the front of his mind and made him restless. Hearing light footsteps bound into his room, he turned to face the short man in his doorway.

“Yeah?” he questioned.

“I just wanted to, um,” he paused, twiddling his thumbs and clearing his throat, “say thanks. For everything.”

“Is Kingston actually thanking someone for once in his life. Like genuinely thanking someone without any sarcasm.”

“Oh shut up,” Tobias joked.

“Actually though, it’s no problem dude. Anything else you need?”

“Um, well, can you stay here? Just tonight?”

Seamus paused and looked at him in shock, not even trying to conceal the look on his face. Toby never ever asked anything like that before. It was weird, seeing Kingston so vulnerable and open about how he was feeling.

“Oh, um, sure. Lemme just get some blankets to sleep on,” Seamus responded and walked out.

Coming back with a pillow and a blanket, Seamus set up a makeshift bed on the floor, looking up at Toby every now and then to try to figure him out. He didn’t understand why Toby wanted him to stay here with him, but we wasn’t about to question it in fear that he would never open up to him like this again. There was only one other time that Tobias was this emotionally naked around him, and that was a while ago at a time that Seamus refused to think about.

"Goodnight, Healy,” Tobias whispered when he heard the movement of the blankets stop.

“Night, Kingston.”


Opening his eyes, Tobias was met by the brilliant light that managed to creep through the blinds on his window.

“Seamus,” he croaked out.

Thinking he was just sleeping, Tobias tried again louder, “Seamus!”

No response.

Feeling anxiety working his way up into his throat, he jumped out of bed and kneeled down on the ground, searching for the blankets he knew were there.

"HEALY!” he cried out as he rummaged around, the panic spreading throughout his whole body now and consuming him.

He got up and ran out of the room, dashing around the apartment frantically, until he ran into a warm body violently.