Equinox 2019 | Page 18

unconscious. Your other eye is fine, just a few minor injuries that can be treated with eye drops and time. When you fell though, you hit the back of your head pretty hard, which almost caused damage your parietal lobe but instead gave you a concussion. Overall, the trauma to your head has caused vision impairment. A surgery should easily fix this problem, though there are risks,” She said in a soft voice.

Tobias was shocked. He was blind. Well partially, and he couldn’t do anything about it until the surgery happened. Sweat beaded on his forehead, he was frozen in shock. It felt like someone was tightening a rope around his neck, tighter and tighter until he couldn’t breathe.

“When can I have the surgery?” he croaked. He felt Seamus rub his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

“Well, probably in the next few days. You just have to have no food or water in your system 8 hours before the surgery.”

Questions raced around Tobias’s mind and Dr. Jones saw his face fall. "You’re lucky that you didn’t have more damage. If you damage your parietal lobe, you might not be able to write, be able to solve math problems, or it could have caused agnosia,” she tried to reassure. It didn’t work.

Seamus sat down next to him, trying to make his comforting more effective.

“I’m going to tell you what we’re gonna do during the surgery. It’s a vitrectomy, meaning that we’re going to remove the vitreous humor, or fluid in your eye. The surgeon with make an incision on your eye and repair the hole your macula. Recovery takes four to six weeks. But absolute vision regainment can take a few months”

Four to six weeks? That meant four to six weeks without vision, or volleyball. How the hell was he gonna do this?

Seamus put his hand on top of Tobias’s, letting him know that he was there for him. “It’s not that long, Kingston. I know you can do it,” he rubbed his thumb along his friends hand.

Tobias yanked his hand away and hid it under the covers. How could Seamus have the audacity to touch him at a time like this?!

“Let’s do it,” he said with a clenched jaw. If he was gonna be blind in one eye, he didn’t want to lengthen the time that he wouldn’t be able to see clearly.

“Mr. Kingston, are you sure? Though relatively safe, this procedure has risks, including new retinal detachment and excessive bleeding, just to name a couple-”

“It’s fine. Let’s just do it and get it over with,” interrupted Tobias.

“...Okay then. The surgery ranges from 30 minutes to 3 hours. But for you, it’ll probably be around an hour. Letting you know, you’ll be awake during the surgery, but you won’t feel anything because of the-”

“I said it’s fine,” Tobias bit.