Equinox 2018 | Page 17

I was just as surprised.

You asked me how I knew and I told you I didn’t but the roots did.

I finally said it, screamed it,

“I’m pink! I’m pink!”

Not quite white, not as bright,

But I’m pink! I’m pink!

And then you said you think

That I was only this way because of who I grew around,

But that’s only because the seeds fall in the same place.

We’re just planted like this.

A flower doesn’t choose its color,

Nor when it’ll be plucked or pollinated,

But it does know what it wants,

And I don’t want a bee.

I want to be plucked and put in a vase

Where I can be beautiful and grow old and wilt and shrivel and die in a happy home

And that’s why I know that someday soon, someday near,

Someone will find me and pick me from the earth

And live with me how I want to live.

He’ll think I’m beautiful.

Someday soon, someday near,

Someone will find me and pluck me from the ground,

And end the longest winter.