Equine Health Update February 2017 Issue | Page 30

EQUINE | Equine Disease Update

EQUINE | Equine Disease Update

Recommended online articles

I have selected some links with CPD content that I think will be useful to members .
The first is an excellent YouTube video of an abdominal ultrasound technique . For those of us that infrequently perform abdominal ultrasound I think it is very useful protocol and helps to perform a quick , efficient and thorough examination .
http :// youtu . be / 0P5QXlpoCyQ
The second link follows on nicely from the first and is a useful article on how to interpret abdominal ultrasound findings .
http :// www . equisan . com / images / pdf / abdoultra . pdf
The third link is a good review of the equine ophthalmic examination . Again for those of us that infrequently need to perform an extensive ophthalmic examination it should be a useful refresher article .
http :// cal . vet . upenn . edu / projects / ophthalmology / ophthalmo _ files / Tools / EquineExam . pdf
New Zealand Veterinary Association “ Antibiotic judicious use guidelines ”
http :// c . ymcdn . com / sites / www . nzva . org . nz / resource / resmgr / docs / policies _ and _ guidelines / AMR _ Guidelines _ Equine . pdf
Equine disease quarterly ( Gluck Equine Research : http :// gluck . ca . uky . edu / equine-disease-quarterly
Hope these links are useful . Johnny Cave

SAEVA Recommended Antibiotic Stewardship Use

After lengthy debate the SAEVA decided on the New Zealand model that we would want to follow as a group .
http :// c . ymcdn . com / sites / www . nzva . org . nz / resource / resmgr / docs / policies _ and _ guidelines / AMR _ Guidelines _ Equine . pdf
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