Equine Health Update EHU Vol 20 Issue 01 | Page 35

n records on each microchip a dead-end trace. Finally, a nline lookup tool for equine to streamline the trace-back p tool could provide quick tact information of the main discipline group, registration rmation on that particular ile maintaining the security the data until a specific re- ormation disclosure. Above zed by the equine industry g maintained microchips by in breed horses registries is not ndustry groups of with vested be maintenance data a and horse to unique y ting built the in behind the its micro- tact purposes with the to manufacturer ed be fulfilled. has ful in obtaining the distributor is approach is time consuming DVM, MS n urgent situations, such as a da .gov outbreak. rvices manufacturers do not require tain records on each microchip in a dead-end trace. Finally, a e online lookup tool for equine d to streamline the trace-back kup tool could provide quick ontact information of the main y, discipline group, registration formation on that particular while maintaining the security of the data until a specific re- nformation disclosure. Above gnized the equine industry umber by of horses observed to ing microchips in horses is not These findings are evidence t be maintenance of data h of the racing population and built in behind the been micro- e ility safety initiatives have nded for purposes to be fulfilled. dited contributing to the d. Examples include: ction devices on horseshoes y, DVM, MS usda .gov of therapeutic medi- ulation : e Go from Here? Services ve monitoring and manage- aces “voided claim” regulations es: We Go from Here? e number of horses observed to ce. These findings are evidence alth of the racing population iple safety initiatives have been redited for contributing to the ord. Examples include: raction devices on horseshoes egulation of therapeutic medi- ctive monitoring and manage- urfaces of “voided claim” regulations EQUINE | International News IN THI Equine Disease Quarterly Newslette