Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 81

Indicators Trend increase in number of male enrolments in non-traditional subject choices and careers including Modern Apprenticeships Timescale Responsibility April 2021 All Directors April 2021 Director of Education Contracts and Business Trend increase in number of female enrolments in non-traditional subject choices and careers including Modern Apprenticeships ECU Attracting Diversity action plan implemented with trend increase in male enrolments in non-gender stereotypical Foundation Apprenticeships and trend increase in female enrolments in non- gender stereotypical Foundation Apprenticeships Increased student participation in STEM Ambassadors and Ayrshire Connects networks and work undertaken to establish a male subject-career network Baseline established to identify under-representation and action plans developed to address areas of inequality including enhancing current data collection mechanisms for Modern Apprenticeships Trend increase in uptake of Modern App