Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 62

This means by April 2021 the College will have: increased awareness of unconscious bias and the potential impacts of this on decision- making amongst staff involved in student and staff recruitment a trend increase in the number of male and female student enrolments in non-traditional gender subjects and career choices including Foundation Apprenticeships and Modern Apprenticeships increased student participation in STEM Ambassadors and Ayrshire Connects and a student male subject-career network established enhanced staff recruitment processes by continuing to use alternative advertising opportunities and e-recruitment technologies improved support available to staff who are or become pregnant or have caring responsibilities and undertaken specific work to promote retention and career progression Key priority: Increasing staff disability disclosure to tackle occupational segregation The College data held on disability demonstrates that 71.34% of staff have disclosed that they have no disability in comparison to 4.31% of staff disclosing that they have a disability. These figures overall are not significantly different from the earlier review in April 2015 although it should be noted that disability disclosure has increased from 3.33%. These current figures however, may not identify accurately the total number of staff who have a disability due to the low rates of disclosure. Disclosure rates in respect of disability will be the focus of further work in order to identify actions that can be implemented to improve disclosure and therefore, increase representation across application, recruitment, retention and development of potential and current staff 62 who have a disability. It is difficult to be able to conclude whether the College is experiencing occupational segregation either vertically and/ or horizontally and indeed whether this is contributing to a pay gap between staff who have a disability and those who do not. It is known though that disability disclosure is: 1. higher in Service staff (3.13%) in comparison to Curriculum staff (0.86%); 2. higher amongst female staff (2.80%) in comparison to male staff (1.51%) and 3. higher amongst full-time employees in comparison to part-time employees.