Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 41

Progress Many factors have led to the improvement in the number of care experienced young people choosing to share their status with the College in academic year 2016-2017; the figure previously was low as was the attainment of those who had identified as care experienced. The significant increase in disclosure and in the number of those young people with a Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP) enable the College to work towards ensuring positive outcomes are achieved. Supporting positive outcomes for this group of students is a College priority Review of support available to students who are or become pregnant or have caring responsibilities is continuing, together with work to develop as well as enhanced data capturing mechanisms to evaluate student success Key achievements include: -Contemplation room introduced at Kilmarnock Campus with an inter-faith service developed across the main College campuses -Nil by Mouth, the leading anti-sectarian charity, delivered staff training inputs -24/7+ course, part of the HIVE programme, introduced the Nil by Mouth competition ‘Pitch Perfect’ to foster good relations between different religions and beliefs -Sport and Fitness team continue to develop positive relationships with Supporters Direct and their initiative ‘Colour of our scarves All. This recently resulted in an HND campaign focused on anti-racism and sectarianism in all its forms -College events calendar highlights key dates related to religion and beliefs -RESPECT College-wide campaign Attainment levels across student groups demonstrate no significant difference 41