Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 39

Progress BME enrolment is broadly similar to the earlier review in April 2015 and reflects the Ayrshire BME profile Moving forward, a key action will be to increase participation of BME groups. The College continues to employ methods such as diverse images and case studies in marketing and recruitment to encourage course applications from BME groups Current student surveys do not fully capture data in relation to gender reassignment and sexual orientation making it difficult to fully assess LGBT+ student experiences. Moving forward, work continues across the College to capture additional detail on student experiences focusing on gender reassignment and sexual orientation Students’ Association-led student focus groups in academic year 2016-2017 with LGBT+ students highlighted that these students do feel respected and valued. Work is being undertaken to further enhance the student experience The following examples demonstrate LGBT+ inclusion in College life: - Student Association-led student LGBT+ Forums across all main College campuses since academic year 2015-2016 - LGBT+ related events and key dates such as LGBT History Month included in College Events Calendar and marked annually across the College - College is a recognised champion of LGBT+ visibility and inclusion and most recently, trans conversation cafes were held across all main College campuses to better understand trans experiences in Ayrshire. Key outcomes of these events have informed the College’s new Equality Outcomes 2017-2021 - Equality and Inclusion team delivered trans training to Student Services teams in academic year 2015-2016 with staff reporting an increased, enhanced knowledge of how to support trans students - two trans webinars from the Equality and Inclusion team and Scottish Transgender Alliance available to staff on Staff Learning Portal - College RESPECT campaign 39