Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 35

“It’s true that young people leave care without much belief in themselves. Even if you do think you can make it, not having enough money or not having someone to help with your future can rule that out. That’s why I’m so happy that the Principal and staff at Ayrshire College have decided that care experienced children are their children and that they’ll do every thing they can to help us achieve.” Ayrshire College care-experienced student Moving forward, a key action is to deliver fully on the College’s Corporate Parenting Plan. This means by April 2021 the College will have: an increase in the number of students disclosing they are care experienced an increase in the number of care experienced students taking up appropriate College supports aspired to ensure care experienced students achieve positive outcomes to the same degree as students who are not care experienced Care Experienced Event Kilwinning Campus Principal Heather Dunk signing a pledge to support young people brought up in care. Click HERE for more info 35