Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 29

Summary of Progress: Equality Outcomes 2013-2017 1. Values, Inclusion, Equality and Wellbeing (VIEW) Steering Group The Values, Inclusion, Equality and Wellbeing (VIEW) Steering Group provides leadership to mainstream and embed equality across the College. The aims and objectives of the VIEW Steering Group primarily focus on the College’s Equality Outcomes acting as the lead to support progress in delivering the outco mes successfully. A significant aspect of its function is to monitor the progress made in respect of the equality outcomes and also carry out the role of reference group for Equality Impact Assessments (EqIA). Led by the Vice Principal of HR and Organisational Wellbeing, the VIEW Steering Group will continue to support its operational sub-groups including the Promoting Mental Wellbeing Group. The remit of the VIEW Steering Group will also extend to the development of campus-specific VIEW groups ensuring that the ownership of inclusion, equality and wellbeing is embedded throughout the whole College. Key Highlights The VIEW Steering group is newly refreshed and energised with commitment from all involved to drive progress towards delivery of the College’s Equality Outcomes 2017-2021 and also recognising that these outcomes are strategically aligned with all other College aims and aspirations such as in the Strategic Plan 2017-2020 and Regional Outcome Agreement 2017-2020 Moving forward, a key action is to continue to support an organisational culture where equality and inclusion is mainstreamed through effective governance and management arrangements. Through the work of the VIEW Steering Group, by April 2021, the College will have: cross-College equalities activities including Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) monitored continuously through the VIEW Steering Group developed a College-contextualised staff Equality and Inclusion mandatory e-learning module developed an EqIA e-learning module and online tool supported a range of activities to embed the College’s Values led the development and implementation of the College’s Promoting Mental Wellbeing action plan 29