Equalities Report 2015-2017 | Page 22

Mainstreaming and Embedding Equality in Core College Functions : Key Updates

Mindful of this , the approach taken to review progress made in mainstreaming equality across core functions is essential to demonstrate where progress has been achieved . The development of these core functions form an integral aspect of the priorities and actions set out in the College ’ s new Equality Outcomes 2017-2021 . The aim of this approach is to demonstrate clearly and highlight how the Equality Outcomes will support mainstreaming effectively and also ensure that the College continues to work towards eliminating unlawful discrimination , harassment and victimisation ; advancing equality of opportunity ; and fostering good relations .
Strategic Approach , Governance and Management : Equality Impact Assessment ( EqIA )
The Equality Impact Assessment ( EqIA ) process continues to support the College in mainstreaming equality . The impact of regionalisation has meant the College had to establish new policies and processes as Ayrshire College and as a result , many policies continue to be developed with the support of an EqIA . Many policies have however , been developed including Recruitment and Selection , Flexible Working , and student Safeguarding . Staff learning and development sessions and an EqIA toolkit continue to inform staff on how to carry out the process effectively when reviewing a College policy or proposing a change to service delivery or provision . Moving forward , the VIEW Steering Group will be the reference group for completed EqIA and an online EqIA module and tool will be developed .
College Culture : Values
The College ’ s Values are integral to supporting the ongoing development of an inclusive culture . Having carried out a culture study in the academic year 2015-2016 and a full Investors in People ( liP ) review in 2016 , a consistent emergent theme was , that in order to support and strengthen the culture , consideration should be given to the further development of the College ’ s Values . In response , the College ’ s culture , values and behaviours were the core themes for discussion during an all Staff Conference in August 2016 . It was following this , that students and staff were asked to identify values which meant the most to them and resulted in the new College Values being respectful ; open and honest ; and supportive .
The College ’ s Strategic Plan 2017-2020 underpins these Values by placing emphasis on tackling inequalities and promoting diversity ; developing and empowering our people ; and continually improving how we do and what we do . Tackling inequalities and promoting diversity are explicit in their intent however , the nature of all three themes demonstrates a commitment to equality and inclusion . The Values themselves also reflect this , and moving forward the College ’ s Values , Inclusion , Equality and Wellbeing ( VIEW ) Steering Group will champion the Values as they become embedded across the organisation . The College RESPECT campaign , with inputs from teams including Equality and Inclusion , Student Association , Marketing and the Police Liaison Officer , initiated in academic year 2016-2017 will now also be embedded within the work and remit of the VIEW group to ensure that the College ’ s Values are embedded and promoted as part of this campaign .