Epiko Magazine Marzo | Abril 2016 | Page 13

You want to lose weight, so what do you do? There has to be a calorie deficit in your daily diet, which means you consume fewer calories than needed for maintenance. You will subtract 500 calories from your maintenance and start to tract your weight weekly to see how it is working for you. Some people lose 1 lb per week while others lose more or less but the idea is to lose weight gradually without too much effort. Opposite occurs if you wish to gain weight, especially for those who want some extra lean muscle mass. You add around 200-500 more calories per week and begin to track your progress and how your body interacts with the change. Let us focus now on macronutrients, which tie in directly with calories. I will try my best to explain this as easy as possible. 1 gram of protein equals 4 calories, 1 gram of fat equal 9 calories, and 1 gram of carbohydrates equals 4 calories. According to most scientific studies we should consume between 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. We will us 1 gram per pound of bodyweight because we are active and do strength training 3-5 times a week. Fat intake is 0.4 grams per pound of bodyweight and carbohydrates will consist of the remaining calories. Here is an example using the same female from the BMR example. She weighs 150 lbs, so her protein intake will be (1x150) 150 grams per day. Her fat intake will be (0.4 x 150) 60 grams per day. Now we only need carbohydrates, which like mentioned will be the remaining calories. Since 1 gram of protein is 4 calories we will multiply 4 by 150 giving us 600 calories, fat 9 calories by 60 is 540 calories. Her maintenance daily calories were 2288 kcal so we subtract the sum of protein and fat calories (600 kcal + 540 kcal = 1140 kcal) with 2288 which will give us 1148 kcal. The 1148 we divide by 4 giving us 287 grams of carbohydrates. Her daily maintenance macronutrients will be 150 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat, and 287 grams of carbohydrates. Not too bad right? Well, it could be a bit much to understand it all but that is the foundation of finding out your calories for maintenance, weight loss, or weight gain. Like I always mention please talk with your doctor or dietitian before making any fitness or lifestyle chances. You can also follow me on my social media if you have any questions or would like to have more details on the topic. Many blessing to all and keep on inspiring others. Stay Hefty my friends. Facebook – Ismael El Bebo Instagram – ismael_elbebo Youtube – Ismaelito El Bebo