Enhesa Flash May/June 2014 Issue | Page 6

90% of respondents rank operation risk as their greatest challenge, followed by regulatory risk at 78%. money is very funny at all of course, especially EHS Managers and Directors who are continually expected to ‘do more with less’. Spending money wisely to ensure safe working is of course, crucial – but making sure you don’t lose money unnecessarily is just as important. Unexpected financial surprises can come from many different sources of course, but for EHS managers the financial surprise nobody wants to face is being pursued by the authorities for an infringement. There are a great many different types of risk that your company will face when operating anywhere: be it operational risk, risk of human error, financial risk, strategic risk, external risk, reputational risk or regulatory risk. All of these risks can be amplified in jurisdictions where there is less of an ingrained safety culture, so making sure you have the right knowledge, approach and resources in your international locations is crucial. You don’t want to be caught out and end up paying the cost. Enhesa Flash May/J [