Enhance Regional Mobility March 2021

Arlington ’ s Via Rideshare Service Area Expands Citywide

On January 19 , 2021 , Arlington ’ s on-demand public transportation service , Via Rideshare , officially expanded its reach to all neighborhoods , shopping centers , offices , restaurants , medical facilities and other key destinations across The American Dream City .
Over the past three years , Arlington has continually expanded the Via Rideshare service area to make affordable , on-demand public transportation accessible to even more residents , employees , and visitors .
In 2017 , Arlington and Via launched Via Rideshare and became one of the first cities in the country to use on-demand technology as the primary public transportation solution to expand access to affordable , efficient , and convenient transit solutions . Now in its fourth year , the service continues to provide an equitable and flexible on-demand transportation offering that is free from fixed routes and schedules . Via ’ s platform routes passengers in real time to “ virtual bus stops ” within just a couple blocks for pickup and drop off , enabling multiple passengers headed in the same direction to efficiently share a single vehicle .
“ Every city in America is looking at ways to improve public transportation and mayors across the country continue to recognize Arlington ’ s rideshare program with Via as the gold standard for transportation solutions ,” Arlington Mayor Jeff Williams said . “ We are so excited ( continued on page 2 )

Q2 UPDATE · FY 2021

• Pages 1-2 - Arlington ’ s Via Rideshare Service Area Expands Citywide
• Pages 3-5 - Citywide Street Projects and Updates
• Page 6 - Collins Street Project Completed | A New Way to Keep Ice Off Bridges Being Developed
• Page 7 - City Of Arlington Continues Advancing Vehicle-to-Infrastructure with Connected Vehicle Technologies | Arlington Residents Invited to Name New RAPID Self-Driving Shuttle
• Page 8 - By the Numbers