Enhance Magazine | Page 36

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FENG SHUI the Winter Blues AWAY

by Kristin Wistar
For many , January is a time to let down after the holidays . December ’ s festivities have ended and our homes that were once full with guests and adorned with decorations and lights can feel rather quiet and empty . As you head into a period of stillness and colder temperatures of winter , recognize the value of this yin time of year and go inward , slow down , and honor the three “ R ’ s .” Rest , restoration , and reflection .
In Feng Shui , the season of winter relates to the water element , which symbolizes flow , a pooling of energy , and tranquility . It is also associated with body fluids , the bladder , elimination , and most importantly , the kidneys . The kidneys are the vitality center of the body , so it is important to keep our kidney energy strong , especially during the winter . Follow these steps to keep yourself happy , healthy , and warm and create a warm , inviting environment to beat the winter blues .
Kristin M Wistar has been creating beautiful interiors since 1990 . In recent years , she has added Feng Shui and Dowsing to her practice of interior design . She creates from a conscious heart-felt design system for your home or office to attract more of what you truly desire in life .
Add some Yang to the Yin Winter is a yin time of year , so we need to add yang to help balance the energies .
• Bring color and greenery inside with flowers and plants .
• Add fire elements into your home . Light fireplaces , candles , salt lamps , touches of red . Decorate with animal prints to add the fire element .
Warm your body and nurture your kidneys Drink plenty of fluids to flush your kidneys and avoid ice in drinks . If your body tends to get cold , warm your body with stews and soups . Drink warming teas with ginger , cloves and cinnamon . Eat foods in the onion family , black beans , lamb , salmon , and chicken .
Keep your lower back protected from the winter cold to protect your kidneys . There are many ways to nurture your kidneys and the meridian points associated with them .
• Rub and gently pat your lower back where your kidneys are
• Use a metal spoon and rub the soles of your feet for a few minutes per foot . This helps ground your energy and stimulate the kidneys .
• Tap the K27 meridian points in the first notch under the end of your collarbone towards the center of your chest .
Create a meditation area Find an area in your home that is quiet and create a spot where you can go inward , reflect , journal and meditate . Create an altar with candles , sage , spiritual figures , crystals , flowers or whatever feels sacred to you . Add some pillows and a blanket to keep you warm as you go inward .
Allow room for change Feng Shui stems from the I-Ching , a Chinese oracle that translates to The Book of Change . Energy is never stationary and neither is your life , including your goals , your career , your children , and your environment .
Look around your home and see where you can make some change . It ’ s amazing how shifting the arrangement of decorations , picture frames , or furnishings in your home can revitalize the energy in your space .
Use warming essential oils Black pepper , cardamom , clove bud , ginger , juniper berry , marjoram and rosemary increase circulation in the body . Cook with them , add a few drops of three of these oils to 10 ml of a carrier oil and rub on your body , or add them to a warm salt bath .