Enhance Magazine | Page 34



Place the top of your left foot on the ball . Keep your right knee soft . Reach your arms forward at shoulder height . If balancing in this position is too challenging , open your arms out to the sides . Bend your right knee , engage your right glute , and lunge . The ball will move back and your shin will move to top of the ball . Make sure your right knee doesn ’ t move beyond your toes . Straighten the front leg and repeat .

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Core strength and stability exercises are vital in any exercise regimen . The benefits are an improvement to your fitness and health through increased strength and power . A strong and stable core can allow you to add more external load to many exercises . Not only that , but core strength and stability can improve posture and balance , too . Try this workout to target your core muscles and prepare your beach body months in advance !
Unless otherwise noted , complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps of each exercise .

Alisa Rogers

by HAC Personal Trainer , Alisa Rogers


( A ) Begin on the floor laying on your back with your feet on top of the ball . Position the ball so that when your legs are extended your ankles are on top of the ball . This will be your starting position . ( B ) Raise your hips off the ground , keeping your weight on the shoulder blades and your feet . Flex the knees , pulling the ball as close to you as you can , contracting the hamstrings . After a brief pause , return to the starting position .


( A )
( A ) Start in push-up position with your shins on a stability ball , your body forming a straight line from head to heels . ( B ) Keeping
( B ) your back flat , contract your abs and pull the ball toward you by bending your knees toward your chest . Return to starting pushup position . ( C ) Lift your hips upwards by contracting your abs . Raise your
( C ) body up to a V or until your feet are in the middle of the stability ball . Slowly lower your body back to the starting position and repeat .
( A )
( B )