Enhance Magazine | Page 27

SALAD Choose dark green mixes like kale and spinach , they are the most nutrient-dense ! Protein : chicken , salmon , beans / legumes , quinoa , nuts , seeds , edamame , and cheese . Vegetables : choose nutrient-dense veggies like carrots , broccoli , tomatoes , avocado , asparagus , peppers , corn , etc . Dressings : choose oil-based salad dressings like vinaigrettes . If you prefer creamy dressings , look for yogurtbased dressings .
RICE BOWLS Include whole grains like brown rice , wild rice , quinoa , and farro . Protein : chicken , salmon , beans / legumes , and / or cheese . Vegetables : anything goes ! Try to keep the vegetables nutrient-dense just like the salads . Options include carrots , broccoli , tomatoes , avocado , asparagus , peppers , corn , etc . Sauce : This is where you set the tone of your rice bowl . All kinds of sauces can be used to take your rice bowl to a whole new level . Try teriyaki , Szechuan , soy , or sesame sauces for an Asian spin . Try chipotle or enchilada sauce to add some spice . Balsamic always adds a sweet kick to your dish .
SANDWICHES / WRAPS Bread : choose whole grain breads or wraps . Vegetables : spinach , arugula , tomato , sprouts , avocado , carrots , and peppers . Protein : cheese , chicken , turkey , tuna , tempeh , tofu , mushrooms . Spreads : this is where our healthy sandwiches can take a dark turn . Instead of sticking with traditional mayonnaise , try other spreads to help keep your sandwiches heart-healthy . Hummus , pesto , vinaigrette , and dijon mustard are much better options to choose from .
PROTEIN Chicken , steak , salmon , and shrimp are great choices . Cooking options : grill , bake , or steam these options to keep things from getting boring .
VEGETABLES Broccoli , green beans , spinach , kale , eggplant , carrots , brussels sprouts , squash , and sweet potatoes are great . Cooking options : steaming and sautéing vegetables are the best ways to prepare them while keeping their nutritional value .
GRAINS Brown rice , quinoa , or whole wheat pasta !
Try baking salmon steak with your vegetable medley of choice and a splash of citrus for natural flavor . enhance magazine | JANUARY 2017 27