Enhance Magazine | Page 25

happiness positivity energy peace love dedication breath balance excellence honor fun focus innovation respect fitness love perseverance fit tips perseverance happiness kindness health dedication compassion hopefulness kindness honesty trust strength honor strength passion cou excellence honor fun fitness fitness passion hopefulness calm peace strong-will trust stre balance chance calm balance excellence energy trust strength hon kindness honesty trust strength trust exce work dream chance calm balance excellence honor fun focus innovation respect p trong-will happiness love dedication hopefulness calm peace fitn erance strong-will health happiness positivity energy peace hard-work dream chan ptimism energy trust strength honor fitness passion hopefulness calm peace strong-will happiness l on hopefulness calm peace strong-will happiness love dedication hrength passion courage dedication compassion h honor fitness passion hopefulness calm peace strong-will happiness love dedication breath o make it a habit make it a habit make it a habit make it a habit m tion respect fitness love perseverance strong-will health happiness positivity energy peace hard-wo love dedication fit breath optimism energy trust strength honor f perseverance strong-will health happiness positivity energy pea ove dedication breath optimism endurance strength honor fitness passion hopefulness calm peace e Maguiremake it a habit make it a h it a habit make it a habit make it a habit make itbyaLisa habit ptimism energy trust strength honor fitness passion hopefulness ion compassion hope fulness kindness hone nnovation respect perseverancehard-work dream chance calm balance excellence h It happens every year. The parking lot HAC likes to use the SMART is full. The treadmills are all in use. The method of goal setting. group fitness classes see record numbers. ce love perseverance strong-will health happiness positivity energy peace hard-wo Goals must be Specific, Gyms everywhere are delighted to have a Measurable, Attainable, gy trust strength honor fit breath optimism fitness passion hope fulness calm peace strong-will hap sea of energized, eager, and determined Realistic, and Timely. members who are committed to keeping Let’s say you want to lose somechance weight. We cancalm make their New Year’s Resolution. And much todream nor fun focus innovation respect perseverance hard-work bal it specific by answering a our delight, some are very, very successful! few questions: How much Butpositivity just as the full tide