Enhance Magazine | Page 23

workout RESERVE LUNGE & CURL TO STEP UP BALANCE (A) Stand up with core tight and feet about shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells at sides. (B) Keeping chest up, step backwards into a lunge position. At bottom of lunge position, curl dumbbells. (C) Come out of lunge position and step up onto box with the same leg you stepped back with during the lunge. (D) Pick up opposite knee and balance. Return to start. (A) (D) (C) (B) FLY CRUSHER (A) Lie on bench, holding dumbbells in front of you in line with your chest. (B) With slight bend in the elbows, bring arms out to sides to be parallel with the floor. (C) Return back to start position, squeezing the chest. (D) Elbows straight, flex arms so dumbbells come to the sides of your head. Straighten elbows to return to starting position. (B) (D) (C) (A) (D) PALL OF PRESS STEPOUT (A) Stand up with core tight and feet shoulder width apart or slightly outside shoulder width apart, holding cable in the middle of the chest. (B) Press out in front of you. (C) Core tight, keeping arms out in front of you, take a step laterally. (D) Bring other foot to the leg that stepped out. Return to start. (A) (B) (C) January 2016 | 23