Enhance Magazine | Page 34

did you know Common Garden Pests How to Control Them HAC Staff Member Gina Luck nurturing HAC’s rooftop garden. Did you know some of the Cafe’s veggies came from this very plot? Talk about local! Without Pesticides by Dannis Warf, Associate Certified Entomologist, Royal Pest Solutions CATERPILLARS Caterpillars chew on leaves or along margins; droppings soil the produce; some tunnel into fruits. Cutworms and hornworms can chop off plant seedlings. Control: Encourage native predators, parasites; hand pick; cover plants; spray with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) or spinosad. 34 HACHEALTHCLUB.COM I remember as a kid, my Dad planted his precious tomato plants and every year at the first harvest, he had to have his picture taken with two biggest tomatoes. He was so proud of everything he grew, and it was wonderful to go out the back door to the garden and pick fresh vegetables every night. They were always part of a delicious summer dinner. My Mom was the same way with her flower garden. Fresh flowers were always in our house and it was as simple as walking outside with a scissors and putting together a APHIDS Aphids show up on new shoots, and the undersides of leaves. Aphids suck plant sap, causing foliage to distort and leaves to drop; honeydew excreted on leaves supports sooty mold growth; feeding spreads viral diseases. Control: Wash plants with strong spray of water; cover plants with floating row cover; apply hot-pepper or garlic repellent sprays; for severe problems, apply horticultural oil, insecticidal soap, or neem. beautiful bouquet of fresh lilacs, tulips, daisies or, if you’re good…ROSES! Certain pests love our beloved garden bounties as well. And while there are beneficial insects like butterflies and honey bees that are the worlds’ greatest pollinators, there are some not-so-beneficial insects and other pests that we have to control around our gardens to protect our precious plants. Here are a few common garden pests and some planet-friendly things you can do to protect your plants and flowers this Spring. BEETLES Beetles come in many varieties. The adults chew on leaves, and larva feed on roots and they defoliate and kill plants. Control: Hand pick; shake from plants in early morning; spray plants with Bt or neem; a good repellent is garlic spray or kaolin clay; plant your bush beans early in season. “Pest” photos courtesy of NPMA We all love our gardens. From flower to vegetable gardens, there is just a wonderful beauty and sense of accomplishment when we see the fruits – and flowers – of our labor. But what to do when unwelcome guests love our gardens just as we do?