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did you know How to Tell the Difference: Common Cold or Seasonal Allergies? by Dr. Judith Feick, Nemours duPont Pediatrics, Pike Creek As your kiddo is sniffling and sneezing like crazy, it can be hard to decipher whether it’s just a common cold (or other upper respiratory virus) that will soon pass, or if it’s the product of seasonal allergies (sometimes called “hay fever” or “seasonal allergic rhinitis”) that may need treatment. Though kids usually develop seasonal allergies by 10 years old and experience the worst symptoms in their early 20s, even kids who’ve never had seasonal allergies before can develop them out of the blue. Here are some clues to help you and your child’s doctor figure out what’s going on. THE SYMPTOMS Symptoms for both allergies and the common cold can include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, fatigue and coughing. It’s easy to confuse the two. In addition to those other signs, tell-tale symptoms of allergies can include watery, itchy, and/or red eyes, as well as itchy nose and/or throat. (If there’s also wheezing and/or shortness of breath, the allergy may have progressed to become asthma.) The common cold can also include muscle aches, headache, loss of appetite, and a mild fever. Sometimes, though, it’s not clear whether it’s a cold or allergies based on the symptoms alone, since both affect people in different ways. THE SEASON OR WEATHER With seasonal allergies, when people are allergic to mold spores or pollen, their immune systems treat these particles (called “allergens”) as invaders. The body releases chemicals (including histamine) into the bloodstream to defend against them — and this causes allergy symptoms. People can be allergic to one or more types of allergens. The type someone is allergic to determines when symptoms occur, since different allergens are in the air during different seasons. Seasonal allergens include: • Mold: These tiny spores can travel the air most of the year except wintertime. • Grass: Grass pollen may lead to spring or summer sneezes with high counts that last the longest. • Tree: Even from miles away, trees release large amounts of pollen in the spring or early summer. • Weed: With the most potent pollen, weeds can trigger allergies in the fall. Some kids are affected not just by changes in seasons, but also by changes in weather patterns in general — e.g., some are allergic to molds caused by periods of heavy rain. The bottom line: if the weather at any time of year seems to affect the symptoms, then seasonal allergies are probably the culprit. THE DURATION Although common colds are annoying, they typically won’t last for more than a week or two, whereas seasonal allergies can last for months. WHAT TO DO FOR ALLERGIES 1. Talk to your child’s primary care doctor. Your doctor should be able to make a diagnosis after a physical exam and asking about symptoms and when they appear(ed). If not, your doctor may refer you to an allergist for blood or allergy skin tests to determine exactly what your child is and isn’t allergic to. Even if a test shows an allergy (or allergies), your child must also have symptoms in order to be definitively diagnosed with an allergy. 2. Monitor outside play time. If your child has severe seasonal allergies, limit the amount of time spent outside during peak seasonal allergen times. enhance magazine | JULY 2016 3