Enhance Magazine | Page 29



( A ) ( A )
( A ) Bend at the waist , pushing hips back . Keep your back flat . Extend the ball away from your chest toward the floor . ( B ) Starting the movement from under your shoulders , pull the ball towards your chest . After the ball touches your chest , return to starting point .
( B )
( A )
( B )


( B )


( A ) Lie on your back . Place your left foot flat on the floor and your right leg down . Raise your left arm with the ball balanced in your hand straight towards the ceiling and your right arm down and to the side with palm down . ( B ) Push the ball towards the ceiling and sit up to until your right arm is extended , keeping your left foot flat . ( C – F ) Continue to lift progressively until at a standing position .
Regression : Do this without the ball if you are not able to sit all the way up while balancing the ball .
( A ) ( B )
( C ) ( D )
( E )
( A ) Lie on your back with both feet flat on the floor , shoulder distance apart . Place the medicine ball at your hips . ( B ) Squeeze your glutes in order to lift your hips up towards the ceiling . Continue movement until your back is flat . Return to starting position .
Regression : If you are having trouble bridging to a flat backed position , place the ball between your knees to alleviate the extra weight on your hips .
( F )
( C )


( A ) In a lunge position with feet shoulder width apart , hold the medicine ball in both hands extended out from center of chest . Make sure to keep the back knee one to two inches off the ground . ( B ) Rotate at the waist , swinging the ball in a controlled manner to one side . ( C ) Reverse the rotation all the way to the other side before returning to center point .
Regression : If you are unable to maintain balance and a straight back while performing the rotation do not take the rear knee as close to the floor .
enhance magazine | JULY 2016 29