Enhance Magazine | Page 11

Salute With Us

The home of the brave . That ’ s us – America , home to the most powerful military in the world . We are proud of our veterans and thankful for their sacrifices , but most of us are blissfully unaware of the challenges they face once they ’ re off the battlefield .
by Lisa Maguire & Taylor Watkins
When our young men and women return home from their service , they are often met with a set of new challenges that the rest of us don ’ t often have to think about .
Some veterans return home and are unable to find work with their existing skillset . Others are wounded and require modifications to their homes to make it accessible or safe for them to live in . Some face debilitating psychological disorders that prevent them from obtaining or keeping a job . While there are many veterans who come home seemingly unscathed , we can all appreciate that the federal government isn ’ t always the easiest organization to work with – many veterans experience delays or mistakes in their benefits , which can set them back for weeks or even months , resulting in financial difficulties .
This is where Operation Homefront ’ s organization has become crucial – 92.6 cents of every dollar they raise goes directly to the programs and services they offer to our veterans . Thanks to the HAC members and staff , greater Hockessin Community and this great organization , the $ 30,000 + we ’ ve contributed over the last two years has been able to help many local veterans in need . Some of the families that your contributions have assisted have anonymously shared their story and their appreciation .
One family included that of a deployed Marine from Newark . In Afghanistan , he suffered a traumatic brain injury , leaving him on limited duty and unable to return home to his expecting wife . Amidst the concerns surrounding his health and deployment , his wife was denied paid maternity leave because she had not yet worked the requisite amount of time to leave . With the loss of income ,
they were worried about how they would survive financially until she could return to work . Operation Homefront was able to keep them afloat so they could focus on the Marine ’ s health and welcoming their new child into the world .
Another veteran , a single mom from Dover , experienced repeated incorrect disability amounts , which left her scrambling to afford the cost of living for her and her young son . Every extra dollar she had went to catching up with her rent , but she just couldn ' t get ahead . Worried that she would lose their place to live , she turned to Operation Homefront , who was able to give her the financial assistance she required to get back on her feet and move forward .
In King of Prussia , a serviceman started to use his G . I . Bill benefits to get an education that would help him find a good job to help support his family despite his disabilities . During his enrollment at school , there was an error that occurred in his benefits that put his family ’ s finances and home in jeopardy . Operation Homefront was able to assist him until the error was resolved and his benefits resumed .
Many other families , too , have been able to dig their way out of these types of hardships thanks to your contributions . Flags are on sale until November 11 , 2016 , and every dollar counts . Help us raise $ 18,500 for Operation Homefront and come out to enjoy the Veterans Day display of flags on November 11 . All proceeds go directly to Operation Homefront , and all of the flags are donated to the Veteran ’ s Memorial Cemetery in Bear once the display concludes .
In addition to the HAC Salutes Campaign with the flags , we hold our annual Ruck Raiser or bootcamp-style workout using ruck sacks . All proceeds generated for the Ruck Raiser go directly to the HAC Salutes Campaign .
If you are looking for a great workout , try the Navy Seal Pyramid . You are going to do 1 pullup , 2 push-ups , 3 sit-ups , and 2 dips for your first set . You will then multiply the set number by the reps . For example , set 2 will be 2 pullups , 4 push-ups , 6 sit-ups , and 4 dips . Try to get up to set 5 , repeat set 5 , and then go back down the pyramid . Work your way up to 10 sets up and 10 sets down .
enhance magazine | NOVEMBER 2016 11